Career and Performance Coaching Services

Career and performance development coaching challenges and motivates individuals to reach their full potential.  For an organization, this means providing their employees with the opportunity and resources needed to uncover their motivators, remove barriers and expand on their potential, ultimatley increasing their contributions and impact in the workplace.

Why 1:1 Professional Coaching for Your Employees?

Benefits to the Organization:

Promotes creativity, breakthrough performance and resilience giving organizations the competitive edge in an environment of continuous change.

Increased retention as coaching supports employee career/professional development and satisfaction.

Reduced transition time for those new to the organization or employees moving into new roles.

Effectively supplements training programs and ensures ongoing application of learning.

Successfully deals with stress and work/life integration, contributing to a healthier work environment.

Benefits to the Employee:

Improved self-awareness regarding their contributions as leader, team- member, communicator and even their role in conflict situations.

Learn new ways to respond to problems, leverage existing strengths and build more productive relationships.

Development of clear goals and action plans that will result in strong business contributions and a deep sense of satisfaction.

Increased accountability and value in owning their performance and their career.

Enhanced confidence in their ability to adapt to change, present creative ideas and engage as happy, productive employees.

Why Consider GLW Coaching & Consulting for Career and Performance Development Services?

As the principal coach and consultant at GLW Coaching & Consulting, Luanne provides personalized 1:1  career and performance coaching to employees at all levels of the organization. Her approach is fresh, focused and compliments todays’ complex and changing careerscape. Flexibility in program design is essential and three key stages are used to ensure participants are moving forward at the right pace and with the right results.


  • Assessments are conducted to open participant perspective and self-awareness.
  • Discovery session dives deep to understand the participant’s past experiences, key motivators, success areas, and development opportunities.
  • Participant priorities are identified, and agreement is confirmed to ensure an effective path forward.

Level Up

  • Critical skills that are required in today’s complex workplace are identified and tapped into.
  • Purposeful goals are set and an effective plan is built to ensure desirable outcomes.
  • Skill building and professional development opportunities are identified.

Work the Plan

  • Accountable action is taken by the individual to move forward on their plan and achieve their goals.
  • Continuous coaching to foster motivation and ensure breakthrough thinking and performance development.
  • The participant is inspired to move outside their comfort zone, to welcome challenge and be an activist in their personal and professional development.

Have questions? Reach out to us.